Are you struggling to feel well because your kidneys are not working properly?

Do you suffer from all or some of these symptoms?

Fatigue | Depression | High Urea, Creatinine & Potassium Levels | Loss of Appetite | Sore Lower Back | Itchy Skin | Difficulty Breathing | Anemia | Headaches | Sore Muscles

And did your doctor tell you that they are part of your condition and there’s not a lot you can do about it.

Here’s what some people are saying about this revolutionary treatment discovered by a leading naturopath in Australia …

“I was really shocked to find my kidney function down, and my sugar and cholesterol levels very high. I followed a very precise diet for 6 weeks taking into account your Kidney Solution references! My sugar levels have already come down and I have lost weight. Plus even my Doctor wants me to maintain this regime.” Ellen Fielder, Singapore

“I was thrilled to notice I began to feel better within a couple of days. I told the nephrologist about this, but he had never heard about anyone getting cured of ESRF, but he assured me that I would begin to feel much better immediately after fitting the dialysis catheter. He had never heard of anyone going off dialysis. So I told him that he should read up on what Naturopaths are doing. The bottom line is that I am getting set up for dialysis right away, but as soon as my blood work shows that my kidneys are up to par I am going to get the catheter removed. I am feeling considerably better today after only being on your course for only about ten days.” Stephen Pepler (81), Ottawa, Canada

“My kidney function was at 9% (stage 5) … I was dialyzing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I didn’t want a kidney transplant … Within 7 weeks my kidney function went from 9% (stage 5) to 16% (stage 4) and … dialyze Tuesday and Saturday … [to] off dialysis [within months]!” Charbel (age 24), Sydney, Australia

“I was diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease with renal anemia secondary to hypertension. The feeling that there’s hope after all the advice that I will not be well was overwhelming. [Now] my Creatinine is down by 25 points and my RBC went up to 13 points. Aside from that I have lessened my skin dryness, improved my urine output and color, lessen urine bubbles, lessen lower back pains, and lessen the feeling of exhaustion. I increased my energy level; sometimes I still feel energized at night after hours of working and driving to and from the office.” Archie de Chavez, Manila, Philippines